What are the best plugins for WordPress?

There are a number of WordPress plugins to choose from. This means that the plugin which you need, is probably out there. But question arise how do you get it, how do you find it and how do you know which one is best plugins? Don’t worry, in this article we discuss what is important when you choose a plugin and how you tell if it’s good one.

Where do you start?

You possibly start searching for a plugin because you want some functionality – maybe you need to ass a contact from or want to improve SEO for your website. Look out what you require the plugin to do, before you start your search.

We suggest which you begin by doing a search in Google, for example, “best contact form plugin WordPress”. Once you have got a plugin that looks promising, look it up in the WordPress plugin directory to view more comprehensive information and then finally install it.

How do you know if a WordPress plugin is good or not?

The clear way to get to understand if a plugin fulfills your requirements is by easily trying it out. But, you probably don’t need to waste your time testing multiple of useless plugins. To help you separate the wheat from the chaff, figure out for the following conditions:

Updates and Suitability

A plugin which doesn’t get updated regularly is less secure and makes your website helpless to hacking. Hackers use known security holes in order WordPress versions to insert the malicious files or scripts. Daily updates are also needed to maintain the plugin compatible with the latest WordPress version, considering as WordPress is updated all the time. As a final point, regular updates indicate that the developers who generated it, are still invested in the performance and maintenance of the plugin. It ensure all too often that a plugin is abandoned because the generator lost interest or don’t have more time to keep it up- to-date.

You can get if a plugin was latest updated in the WordPress plugin directory. Here you can also check with which WordPress versions it is suitable, and read the changelog to get an indication of how often updates are released.

Active Installations

A number of active installation display which a plugin is famous and popular, which is a good suggestion that it is working good. Once a plugin uses a lot of resources or doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do, users wouldn’t keep using it. It doesn’t mean that a plugin with only a small number of active installs is necessarily bad – new plugins usually don’t have a lot of users yet.

Review from other clients

Reading reviews from other clients can tell you if the plugin which you need to install suits yours needs. I find it often very helpful and useful to read bunch of the 1 and 2 star reviews and see if the problems described there are a deal breaker for me. It may very well be that users give bad review because of a missing that I don’t require.

Replies from Support

Having someone which can help you solve problems with the plugin is very important and useful. So, it is a good idea to read some of the existing and resolved support issues, to look out if they have quick response time and if things get solved.

There are various plugins that we at Content Service Provider website suggest you to use, either because its displays well our servers, or has a good reputation. Here some of them listed below:

Paid WordPress Plugins

  • WP Users Frontend Pro
  • WangGuard
  • Members
  • Rankie

Free WordPress Plugins

  • User Submitted Posts
  • Peter’s Collaboration E-mails
  • TT Guest Post Submit

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