What Do You Mean by Google Page Rank (PR) 1, 2, 3?

In order to get your website on the first page of the search engines, in specific Google, you need to improve your Google Page Rank.

If not, the website will be struggle for the attention on directories, social sites and many more without making progress where it really counts – Google’s search results.

There are three important items to pay attention to it how Google Page Rank is resolute: (1) Links, (2) Content and (3) Traffic.

Page Rank Scale

The page ranking scale is determined as 0, N/A, and 1 to 10.

Google Page Rank numbers and what does it means in simple terms:

0 or N/A – You are not listed on the Google Page Rank lists still.

1 – Very poor, but you are listed on the Google PR lists at least.

2 – Poor, but you can raise and it can be achieved.

3 – Average. You have good information and many websites fall in this ballpark.

4 – Above average. You’re sprinting away from the widely held.

5 – Great. Page Rank (PR) 5 will generally pop up on the first page of few searches.

6 – Good. You did hard work and have amazing information.

7 – You are good and you are one of the top sites. Your peer is Zillow.

8 – You are great. You’re Peers or upper class is CNBC, eBay, Bing, and American Idol.

9 – Everyone wants you. Your upper class are YouTube, Yahoo, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon.

10 – Very good, congratulations! Peers are Google, CNN, usa.gov, and social bookmarking site Add This.

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