Dengue Alert: Must Look Out for to Avoid Harsh Infections

To keep yourself safe from Dengue and other severe infections, you should go regularly for blood tests and keep hydrated yourself.

As we all know nowadays monsoon advances and moisture becomes the main situation for mosquitoes to rise, dengue outbursts are vast in many cities like Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Kerala. But we can easily manage this dengue disease if we are attentive.

Dengue fever shows itself with an unexpected starting of fever, bad headache, nausea, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, swollen glands, vomiting, and a rash. These normally present 4 to 10 days after the mosquito bite and can last for 2 to 10 days. Quickly diagnosis is a must because it can quickly transform into severe dengue, also known as dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome when the number of Platelets (clot-forming cells) in your bloodstream drops and blood vessels are injured enough to be leaky. It can lead to organ failure, shock, and internal bleeding.

When You Should Test for Dengue?

dengue test

If you have the signs or symptoms mentioned above, you should go for the test for Dengue NSI antigen, which calculates the non-structural protein of the virus, or tests of PCR. Then you should take the IgM antibody test on the fourth or fifth day when you are most likely to pick it up. Get a whole blood count (CBC) completed and if diagnosed, repeat this on alternate days to check for platelet levels. One of the most significant markers is the PCV (packed cell volume), which calculates blood viscosity. It shows a rise in red blood cells and dehydration.

Importance of Hydration

Normally, the dengue patient feels good after the fever falls in four to five days. If the patient has not kept them well-hydrated to balance for fluid loss because of fever and vomiting, the difficulty could improve after Day 4. You should have 3 to 5 ltr water in a day or oral rehydration solution, clear soups, and coconut water. A dengue can also lead to plasma leakage and intravenous (IV) fluid therapy may be needed in hospital settings.

How to Keep Safe Yourself from Dengue?

Regular blood tests to check the levels of platelets and mainly hematocrit levels can manage difficulties. Hematocrit level is normally the percentage of your red blood cells. In dengue disease, an increased hematocrit is a symptom of plasma leakage, whereas a decreased hematocrit is a sign of bleeding. If platelet levels drop importantly, medical involvement may be important.

The hematocrit level should be observed every 24 hours to make possible early recognition of dengue hemorrhagic fever and every 3-4 hours in harsh cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever.

Pain relievers and fever reducers such as paracetamol can lead to managing the signs. Ignore non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as they can raise the risk of bleeding, which is a major difficulty of dengue.

Do not bring to bear yourself when you feel better, rest is required to not worsen this situation.

Is There A Vaccine?

dengue vaccine

In some regions, Dengvaxia (a dengue vaccine) is available and suggested for individuals who have been infected before. In India, trials are ongoing but searching for one vaccine to tackle four common virus damages is challenging.

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10 thoughts on “Dengue Alert: Must Look Out for to Avoid Harsh Infections

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